June 12, 2023

Ensemble Foods is Now Non-GMO Project Verified!

Photo of a person holding wheat grains in his palms.

We have some news! Our Ensemble products are now Non-GMO Project Verified! This means that they meet the most rigorous, third-party standards for GMO avoidance.

Most likely, you will have seen this label on many food products in supermarkets. But what does it mean exactly? What are GMOs? Keep reading to learn more!

What are GMOs?

GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are organisms whose genetic makeup has been modified in a laboratory. The concept of genetic modification has existed for quite some time, and has roots in the process of natural selection. Natural selection happens when nature decides which particular traits of an organism it wants to keep and breed for the next generation of said organism. This selection is based on the environment in which the organism is living and how it needs to respond to survive. Since humans began to grow plants and organisms themselves — in other words, since the introduction of agriculture — they have intervened in the process of natural selection. First came manual selection, the process by which humans identify the characteristics of an organism that are desirable, and subsequently take steps to make sure those characteristics are passed on. This process, though implying human intervention, remains natural because the subjected characteristics are ones that occur naturally.

Genetic modification is an extension of manual selection. That is where the genes of organisms are artificially changed — omitted or added to — in order to produce a desired trait. It is a form of engineering, meaning it is not a natural process.

These methods were developed to respond to specific agricultural needs, like increased demand in correlation with population growth. As agriculture became more and more industrialized and technologized, priorities shifted from allowing natural processes to occur to manipulating them in order to maximize supply and profit. Humans became very selective about what characteristics they wanted their crops to adopt and pass on. Commonly desired traits are drought-resistance, disease-resistance, and herbicide-resistance. Other desires are more aesthetic such as having a certain color or shape to make that product more visually appealing and marketable.

Since their introduction in the 1990s, GMOs have become widespread in the marketplace. The Non-GMO Project states: “Today more than 80% of the products on grocery store shelves contain ingredients or inputs made from GMOs. With new products and emerging techniques in genetic engineering entering the marketplace, looking for the Butterfly is the best way to avoid GMOs.”

What is the controversy around GMOs?

As explained above, genetic engineering is not a natural process. To a certain extent, it interferes with the organic state of ecosystems, and alters biodiversity. The reduction of biodiversity is the primary reason why many are against the use of GMOs.

Biodiversity is crucial to ensure the ability of our environment to grow, thrive, and persist. Diversity of organisms allows our ecosystems to “quickly” respond to needs, adapt, and withstand changes. It is similar to how humans need to be nimble and versatile, in order to adapt to changes in their lives and keep living. Plants and organisms have always found ways to adjust to survive the unpredictability of their environment.

Regarding humans, the research on the potential health impacts of GMOs remains inconclusive, meaning it is not known for sure exactly what genetically modified organisms do to our bodies. This lack of clarity presents another concern over genetically modified foods. As with any new technology, the long-term consequences are uncertain, simply because the product is too new. And because GMOs are artificially engineered, they may open the door to a number of vulnerabilities.

All in all, there are still many unknown factors regarding GMOs. If you are interested in learning more about GMOs please visit the sources linked below.

Why we say no to GMO…

At Ensemble Foods, we strive to create the tastiest products that are good for both you and the planet. As such, we prefer to avoid GMOs to ensure that we are providing the cleanest possible product. We don’t want you to worry about what you’re putting into your body, and we don’t want to unintentionally affect the environment in an adverse way or contribute to possibly harmful practices.

The Non-GMO Project also adds: “We want to support farmers who grow the materials that go into our products, honoring their rights to grow the varieties they want and to save their own seeds. By seeking out non-GMO ingredients, we're investing in a better future for people and the planet. Please visit The Non-GMO Project to learn more about the relationship between GMOs and biodiversity.”

The choices you make can help to build the kind of future you wish to see. To find our products, visit ensemble-foods.com, and follow us on LinkedIn.


Genetically Engineered Foods

Genetically Modified Organisms

How Do GMOs Affect Biodiversity

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